Whole tone scale guitar pdf classical

Since there are only two possible wholetonescale positions that is, the wholetone scale can be transposed only once, it is either c2 0 or c2 1. Introduction to whole tone scales, this 56 minute video lesson covers the scales construction, diatonic harmony, scale fingerings and uses as a soloing device. Notice the relation between arpeggios and intervals of the chords, the shared notes, and the tone that sets a chords apart. Each scale is in the key of a and comes with scale formulas and charts. The guitar major pentatonic scale has a bright sound that is just right for. However, as we viewed in the whole tone scale lesson, even number one hits have included the whole tone scale. All the notes of a c scale, from the nut to the th fret. An introduction to symmetrical scales for guitar guitar world. Because of this, there are really only two whole tone scales. So to build any whole tone scale, you simply start on the root and go up in tones until you hit the top of the octave. Just like we did for the whole tone scale, lets play some of these chords and then play through the. A first lesson for guitarists who already play a bit in another genre and want a taste of classical guitar. The five basic major scale patterns derived from the. Right hand tone production on classical guitar this.

The phrygian dominant scale is a common scale in jazz and is used to play over dominant chords that resolve to a minor chord. Pdf for whole tone scales with video gmi guitar and. There are 6 notes in the whole tone scale and each is separated by a whole tone, hence the name. I mentioned that there were two applications of the whole tone scale, and weve really only looked at one, its use over a dominant chord.

You can also practice these major scale shapes away from the guitar. Complete book of guitar chords, scales, and arpeggioswilliam bay 20110224 we believe this to. The melodic minor scale is closely related to the major scale with its natural 6 and 7. The alhijaz scale is a dominant scale that originates in saudi arabia, but is also known as the spanish gypsy scale, the jewish scale, or the phrygian dominant scale in jazz this scale is the 5th inversion of the harmonic minor scale. The whole tone scale for guitar guitarskillbuilder. Wholetone harmony, with its similarly structured chords and absence of semitones, lacks the harmonic contrasts and resolutions of the majorminor system and its. This scale has been used in classical music, jazz, a little funk, and of course in any form of. The whole tone scale is a coolsounding dominant 7th scale that you can use to add tension to your dominant 7th chords.

In classical music, the wholetone scale has been used by mozart. Jazz players will find bebop scales, altered scales, whole tone scales, for metal players there are all the modal scales, phrygian dominant scales and minor scales. When learning how to play jazz guitar, or any style of guitar for that matter. The composer olivier messiaen called the wholetone scale his first mode of limited transposition. The whole tone scale is an elusive and, for most musicians, problematic series of notes. Skips are intervals of a minor third three frets or greater. Monk frequently peppered his compositions and improvisations with whole tone flourishes as well as chord clusters built from the scale. Altered scale soloing for jazz guitar soloing fundamental. As the name suggests, the whole tone scale is constructed purely from whole steps 2 frets. As its name suggests, a wholetone scale is simply a series of notes a tone apart there are no other intervals such as a semitone, or minor third between the notes, and every note in the scale can be considered to be its root. This is often the feeling with the whole tone scale. The whole tone scale consists of note a whole step apart.

Here is the g whole tone scale again with the numbers in blue showing all of the notes in the scale that are used in the guitar lick. An introduction to symmetrical scales for guitar guitar. Whole tone scales are quite rare in music but there are some examples that are worth checking out. This is a very particular scale, find more about it with reading the whole tone scale tutorial the whole tone scale scale is composed of the root, major second, major third, augmented fourth, augmented fifth, and minor seventh. Pdf total guitar the ultimate scale book guilherme. Full of explanations, demonstrations and examples and rehearsed with you slowly and close up. Diatonic major, harmonic and melodic minor, chromatic, whole tone, diminished, and pentatonic scale fingerings, exercises and connections to chordal harmony. Introduction to the scale syllabus each chord scale symbol c7, c, c. One of the most interesting scales to play on guitar is the wholetone. These scale charts are written from the same prospective that tablature is written. In this guitar tutorial were going to study the whole tone scale.

Click here to download a printable pdf of this lessons notation. Notice how the whole tone scale helps us to link all these ideas together in a way that sounds logical. With the combination of the key, tempo, chord progressions and scales suggestions to use, you will be making solos in no time. This is a very particular scale, find more about it with reading the wholetone scale tutorial. Learn from jazz great thelonious monk acoustic guitar. The whole tone scale examples of the whole tone scale. The classical wholetone scale dictonary page on classic cat. Ged brockie takes you through playing and learning this angular scale form which is used in a wide range of styles from jazz to classical to rock.

Begin practicing and memorizing the fingerings to the whole tone scales. As a result of the 6 major 2nd intervals in the scale, there are only 2 whole tone scales. The whole tone scale is a harsh sounding dissonant scale. The white keys with a black key in between are a whole step apart and the ones without a black key in between are a half step. All of these scales were commonly used by late nineteenth and early twentiethcentury composers such as rimskykorsakov, debussy, ravel and stravinsky, often. Aug 03, 2019 whole tone scale whole tone scale for guitar whole tone scale theory. Use of the melodic whole tone scale can be traced at least as far back as mozart, in his musical joke, for strings and horns. Jul 04, 2019 major scales for classical guitar pdf beginner to intermediate classical guitar. How to practice stretching exercises on the classical guitar. Major scales for classical guitar pdf sheet music, tab. Right hand tone production on c lassical guitar or. The bottom line is the 6th string lowest sounding, and the top line is the 1st string highest sounding.

Link to free printable guitar scales pdf file with all 5 positions of the guitar melodic minor scale. The whole tone scale scale is composed of the root, major second, major third, augmented fourth, augmented fifth, and minor seventh. You will also learn how to practice these scales and get an introduction to indian music for guitar ragas. With this in mind, this process should not be overlooked. Altered scale soloing for jazz guitar is a deep dive into the musical mind of one the true jazz guitar geniuses of our generation. The guitar scales chart book is suitable for all guitarists. Classical guitar scales over the entire guitar, from major scales for classical guitar pdf. These series of tones have traditionally been called scale. Whole and halfsteps are alternatively referred to as whole tone and semi tone intervals. Interactive guitar tabs and scale patterns included. How to get a good sound on classical guitar youtube video link 4k exploring changes in timbre from tasto to ponticello, to subtle changes to fingernail angles, learning to control your sound is an essential skill. The major scale, harmonic minor scale and melodic minor scale all have seven different notes and an eighth note that repeats the first. We can make that interval smaller diminished, get it. When an s is shown over a tab note, you are playing a nonchordal tone.

One of the most popular ways to learn how to play scales on guitar is through the use of a guitar scales chart like the one below. Oct 11, 2017 another signature sound in much of monks music is the whole tone scale a sixnote scale constructed symmetrically, using consecutive whole steps as shown in ex. All of the essential guitar scales are included, such as blues, pentatonic and major shapes. Sep 15, 2016 comparison of the distribution of chord tones in a 251 progression. Major w w h, w w w h 1 w 2 w 3 h 4 w 5 w 6 w 7 h 1 minor w h w, w h w w 1 w 2 h b3 w 4 w 5 h b6 w b7 w 1 harmonic minor w h w, w h 1. Common open and closed scale patterns up to four sharps or flats, two octaves some three octaves, and examples of open string shifts. The other important thing to remember is that there are only two whole tone scales.

Because there are three ways to select two from three, there are three octatonic scales in the twelve tone system. Check out how the scale changes whenever the chord does. If you happen to be a fan of classical music from the impressionist period on, then you ve. Whole tone scales for stretching whole tone scales for stretching the whole tone scale is a simple and very effective tool for practicing stretches. In the 19th century russian composers went further with melodic and harmonic possibilities of the scale, often to depict the ominous. These series of tones have traditionally been called scales. The whole tone scale is a hexatonic 6 note scale that seems to break the. Now try using the whole tone scale as a warmup exercise, and also in your own tunes and.

Learning how to play and use scales has always been a large part of every guitar players practice schedule. The numbers in red are the g notes within the scale form. Did you think that the whole tone scale was just for jazz and classical music. These shapes may be played anywhere on the guitar neck. Constructing the scale is rather simplesix whole steps and youre there. One of the confusing thing about studying scales on the guitar is the lack of a. An understanding of scales and how they function on guitar can help us gain a deeper understanding of music as a whole. One octave scales are pretty short on the guitar, and running up one string is terribly. Click here for a free printable high quality pdf file of this guitar scale. Remember the whole whole half and whole half whole intervals of the major and minor scale. The whole tone scale learn how the whole tone scale is built and how to use it in this tutorial were going to learn an uncommon type of guitar scale, the wholetone scale, that, as the name suggests, is composed of only whole tones. Brian setzer jazzy rockabilly lick online guitar lessons.

Many jazz scales are common scales drawn from western european classical music, including the diatonic, whole tone, octatonic or diminished, and the modes of the ascending melodic minor. The whole tone scale for guitar jazz guitar online. In this lesson, you will learn 11 scales from different parts of the world. The melodic minor scale is what i think of when i think jazz. But because any note of the scale can be considered the root, it does create a sound that seems to wander aimlessly. In classical music the melodic minor scale is played going up and the natural minor scale is played going down. You owe it to yourself to check it out take your music to a whole new level of creativity. On this page, you find several fretboard diagrams for the whole tone scale, with box and 3 notes per string patterns.

Link to guitar pro file of tab for the guitar melodic minor scale scale 7. Guitar scales chart an essential tool for guitarists. Continue descending down the fingerboard one fret at a time. Seymour duncan the fractured sound of the whole tone scale. The guitar harmonic minor scale sounds somewhat classical and sinister to me all at the same time. So, the whole tone scale can be played over a dominant 7 th or 9 th chord with a sharp five and sharp eleven. Bar 1 i chord contains the first five notes of the whole tone scale starting on e, while bar 2 iv chord does the same, starting on a. The diminished scale would be good for heavy metal. Rich will introduce, explain and demonstrate whole tone scales and will cover the scales construction, diatonic harmony, scale fingerings and uses as a soloing device.

This inherent ambiguity is also the scale s strength. Classical guitar scales on your air guitar there is a demo video of this in the site resources see the form below, or go to the members area, along with the scale shape pdf, so be sure and watch that. All the scales within any one scale equals the other scales. Get the feel of the whole tone scale in your hands and to understand how to use it in improv. This is a very particular scale, find more about it with reading the whole tone scale tutorial.

Take a look at your guitar and give yourself a little bit of a music theory reminder. All of the chords tones, and all of the extension tones of the chords fits nicely into one and the same scale the ab major scale. These two scales can be named after any of the notes that exist within them. A lot of bebop undoubtdedly, during the altered 7th chords that youll find right throughout any jazz that concentrates on the 251 chord progression the 5 being a 7th or altered 7th over which a myriad of ideas can be played. And like major and minor scales, there are formulae based on note intervals that you can use to derive major and minor pentatonic scales in any key. Pdf includes notation, tab, fingering, some diagrams, tips, and more. Jim gleasons guitar encyclopedia encyclopedia of licks. Exotic guitar scales are great to add some new flavor to your music. Half tone, whole tone, minor third, and major third are the building blocks of the scales in this book. The wholetone scale scale is composed of the root, major second, major third, augmented fourth, augmented fifth, and minor seventh. Have fun with your new brian setzer rockabilly guitar lick. The seventh note from the root up is a commonly used in contemporary music. Almost an hour chock full of explanations, demonstrations, musical illustrations and examples, this is a must for those. Continue descending until you cant play the notes cleanly.

The whole tone scale can be used to add tensions to your jazz guitar improvisations over dominant 7th chords. Constructing the scale is rather simplesix wholesteps and youre there. These modes are sometimes referred to as the whole stephalfstep diminished scale and. This book is a complete reference manual featuring all of the scales, modes and arpeggios used by the modern bass guitarist. Nonchordal tones stimulate the listener, as you weave your melody around the chord tones. So to build any whole tone scale, you simply start on the root and go up in. We can also use it, sort of, over a minor chord, but when we do we have to play it a semitone lower. Download pdf the whole scale thing diatonic major, harmonic and melodic minor, chromatic, whole tone, diminished, and pentatonic scale fingerings, exercises and connections to chordal harmony download pdf.

Classical though the wholetone scale appears sporadically in european. The composer and music theorist george perle calls the wholetone scale interval cycle 2, or c2. Written from a players perspective, this book doesnt get too indepth into the history and classical theory of the scales, but focuses on their uses in contemporary styles such as blues, rock, fusion, and. In this part of our jazz scales series we cover the whole tone scale. List of pieces which use the whole tone scale wikipedia. Your left hand needs to be free to move about the fretboard. In many cases we are simply adding a note to a pentatonic scale or deleting one from one of the seven modes. This means that it also has less notes than most of the other scales you use. The whole tone scale is a symmetrical scale which means the intervals that make up the scale have a pattern that repeats.

On this page, you find several fretboard diagrams for the wholetone scale, with box and 3 notes per string patterns. The construction of each scale and mode is covered in detail and the reader is encouraged to learn the content of the scale rather. Oct 18, 2017 example 8 is a 12bar blues in the guitar friendly key of e. Use the links below to jump straight to the guitar scales you need. Free printable guitar scales 14 most commonly used scales. Do not support the neck with your left hand, rather keep the guitar in position with your right arm. Originally the descending form of guitar, to the point that many people are. This interesting piece from debussy i think is one of the best examples of the whole tone scale in classical music.

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